
Hvem dør i Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince? (Advarsel: Svaret kan allerede findes på nettet.)
For et par uger siden udskrev Guardian en konkurrence om at beskrive dette dødsfald (Dumbledore blev forudsagt som det mest sandsynlige offer) i forskellige stilarter.
Her er et par citater fra besvarelserne:

Conan Doyle:
"It was the summer of '05, and, owing to an unfortunate turn in my domestic circumstances, I found myself again taking up with my old mentor and Potions Master..."

A.A. Milne:
"Hello Harry," said Ron, as he fell off his broomstick.
"Brilliant day isn't it?"
"I," said Harry, "am going on an Expedition to find A Clue."
"How exciting," said Ron, bouncing up and down. "Will I like it?"

Helen Fielding:
"Hermione Granger's Diary 16th July 2005.
Spells cast: 33 (bad, but v. extenuating circumstances).
Number of deaths: 1 (v.g. except note v. v. key character).
Portents of doom: 12,204 (& counting) (v.g. all things considered).

Le Carre:
And finally here he is.
Good old Voldemort with his vodka and his black bread.
There are no words yet and Albus knows the motions he goes through now; he's lived them a thousand times.

Læs hele indlæggene og mange, mange andre på
The Guardian: The alternative Harry Potter: Dumbledore's Death

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