
Muhammed-tegninger blandt Ghanas topnyheder

Internettet giver nogen sjove oplevelser. Bl.a. at finde ud af at i et fjernt land som Ghana nævner magasinet Statesman Muhammed-tegninger som en af de vigtigste topnyheder i 2006:

"Cartoons published by a Danish newspaper, some depicting Muhammed as a terrorist, ignited protests throughout the Muslim world in January and February. Some demonstrations turned violent, resulting in deaths, injuries and destruction of property. The Danish embassy in Beirut was set ablaze."
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2 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Historien er også med i Times Magazines nytårsquiz (man skal kunne huske hvad avisens navn var), så det er ikke kun eksotiske medier der har historien på top-10-listen :-)

Godt nytår

M Taher sagde ...

Happy holidays.
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I wish to share something with you as a librarian who believes in sharing knowledge 24 X 7. My

2007 resolution is a friendly deal to get more comments at my blog and promptly reciprocate.
Best wishes for 2007.