
Værd at tjekke

Cloud computing
Bliv klogere: Sådan fungerer cloud computing af Kim Stensdal
“Ligesom strøm i dag leveres gennem et stik i væggen, er hele idéen med cloud computing, at it skal kunne leveres over internettet som en service.”(Via CBS bloggen )

Real time world statistics. This is a great little site. You can see figures for the current world population, birth this year, births today, death this year, yesterday, and net population growth for today. not only that there are figures for government and economics, Society and media, the environment, food, water, energy, and health. if you're doing basic quick reference work this webpage is an absolute must.(via Phil Bradley, som også påstår at "The Phone Call is dead!)

Bibzoom flopper -
Der er for få brugere - tilbuddet er ikke bredt nok. Læs mere på Dr.dk og politiken.dk

Hvorfor er jeres kundeservice ikke på facebook? spørger Trina-Maria ( Hovedet på Bloggen)
Se fx nærmere på Telmores facebookside. Kan bibliotekerne ikke kommunikere med borgerne via Facebook?


Det digitale liv

Rapporten " Digital Life" skulle være den mest omfattende undersøgelse af brugen af digitale medier over hele verden.

50.000 interviews med brugere i 46 lande.
Stigningen i social networking og brug af digitale kilder er voldsom.

"Core data from the study is being made publically available on http://www.discoverdigitallife.com/. The report reveals rapid increases in digital engagement and social networking in fast developing marketing such as Latin America, the Middle East and China.
According to the study, digital sources are the number one media channel for people who have online access, with 60% of online users accessing the internet daily, compared to 54% for TV, 36% for radio, and 32% for newspapers"