Fine oneliners om biblioteker
Ud fra kendte tal og statistik har ALA (American Library Association) samlet nogle interessante citater om bibliotekerne i USA. De udgiver en årlig folder..
o There are more public libraries than McDonald’s in the U.S.—a total of 16,604 including branches.
o Americans spend more than twice as much on candy as they do on public libraries.
o Americans go to school, public and academic libraries nearly three times more often than they go to the movies.
o Reference librarians in the nation’s public and academic libraries answer nearly 5.7 million questions weekly. Standing single file, the line of questioners would span from Long Island, New York, to Juneau, Alaska.
En idé til efterfølgelse, DB? eller for Styrelsen FBM til den nationale reklamekampagne for bibliotekernes tibud:-)
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