At ignorere de digitale brugere?
I forlængelse af Susannes indlæg om brugernes syn på internet og web 2.o har fx David Lee King taget rapporten op i blogindlægget: Ignoring our Digital Community. Han påpeger at det fysiske bibliotek er fantastisk til community building, mens vi i bedste fald ignorerer de digitale brugere - af travlhed, af uvidenhed, af mangel på kompetencer- ikke-acceptable undskyldninger...
Om rapporten:
"The gist of the report is this - the web has moved on, and libraries need to catch up. “To entice users to the online library, libraries must expand their social activities, allowing users to easily share and create content and collaborate with others. They must build a high-value presence on the Web, a strong enough brand to compete…” (8-5).
Ignoring our Digital Community
Rapportens konklusion - hvis man ikke orker andet
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